Sunday, April 18, 2010

Word Sound Power

It's amazing how inspirational music can be. I have been without sound on my laptop for over a year and have sadly missed out on many musical tunes over the year. I no longer listen to Pandora as I once religiously did, my videos have no sound making Hulu a pointless website to us, and I can no longer enjoy those cheesy Birthday/Easter/Christmas cards with jingles that are loud and annoying and...oh wait, I LOVE being able to just delete those suckers!

If I can have music on, I will. At work, I generally listen throughout my entire shift, because I am afforded the luxury of being locked alone in a tiny hot office with a computer and myself to belt out my Ani Difranco, Ben Harper, and Amanda Palmer. In the car, the kids and I are without a doubt rocking out 97% of the time. So having no instant gratifying media via the laptop for the past year in the house has been, well...quiet.

I've missed it horribly so when I discovered my new Blackberry has an unlimited data plan which has a Pandora app too conveniently located in it's free programs, I instantly snatched it up and began playing my stations. It was like a breath of fresh air. Instead of my H2B (hubby to be) insisting on crashing to television, we listened to music and made jokes. When he blissfully began snoring a few minutes ago, I took that as my cue to get productive and start blogging.

Music after all inspires me most to be creative, to make changes that move me forward as a person, and it is through the sounds I take in that mingle with the ideas in my heart and move my fingers on the keyboard. It has been hell only having music at work, because quite often I just blog ideas away in my head and when I get home I sit dull at the computer trying to conjure those stories back into my head.

Music is a carrier for Word Sound Power. If the message does not come through this voice, then it will through my real one.

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